Mon, Aug 05
Light settings to help with various needs. Can combine rituals for a discounted bundle

Time & Location
Aug 05, 2024, 11:00 PM EDT – Aug 11, 2024, 12:00 AM EDT
Calms anxiety, reduces stressful energy
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedDEPRESSION/GRIEF RELEASE
Releases negative energy associated with depression & grief & promotes positivity/healing
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedREVERSAL
Reverse any negative energy, intentions, or workings…Return to sender
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedSOLID AS A ROCK
Relationship Strengthening burn
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedSPICE IT UP
For couples trying go get the “spark” back
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedCOMMUNICATION STRENGTHENER
Promotes effective communication between you & specified target
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale ended6 FOR $50
$50.00+$1.25 service feeSale endedRICH BITCH PROSPERITY
Money drawing work
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedLILITH DOMINATION/EMPOWERMENT
Boost confidence, self esteem, & dark feminine energy
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedFORGIVENESS RELEASE
Promotes forgiveness & trauma release
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale ended3 FOR $25
Any 3 rituals for $25
$25.00+$0.63 service feeSale ended10 FOR $100
Any 10 rituals for $100
$100.00+$2.50 service feeSale endedSHMONEY BLOCKBUSTER
Removes financial blockages
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedALL RITUALS FOR $115
$115.00+$2.88 service feeSale endedJEZEBEL SEDUCTION/ATTRACTION
Boosts attraction & seductive energy (Be specific in your petition about what you want to attract
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedHEARTBREAK HOTEL
Clears heart chakra & promotes healing from romantic & family heartbreaks
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedBUSINESS BOOSTER
Promotes increase & success in business endeavors
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale ended