Hello HOB & New Eden Students! As some of you know we’ve been working hard to get New Eden Healing Arts Center & New Eden University off the ground. I’m pleased to announce we are now able to offer post-secondary degrees thru our university! This means you can become an ordained minister as well as receive a legitimate Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate from New Eden University. All degrees will be in areas of spiritual/religious studies of course, but are licensed &/or exempted by the NC State Board of Education!
The first classes roll out at the end of this month & more classes will follow in the Fall. If you are interested in any of the degree programs shown please send a message ASAP & a staff member will be in touch with you promptly to answer any questions & get you enrolled. We hope you guys are as excited as we are!
~Rev. Dr. J.N. Huskey
“Muva Blanco”